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  • Members should at all times attempt to acquire and disseminate only reliable and accurate information relative to the petroleum, mineral and energy industries.
  • The information which members obtain should be for the benefit of their employer and should invariably be first transmitted to their employer.
  • Member should strive to use only practices and techniques in scouting which have as a foundation: honesty, integrity, fairness, candor, fidelity to trust, and the inviolability of confidence.
  • Members should strive to gain a reputation for reliability and accuracy, not only with their employer, but with their associates in the scouting profession.
  • Members must never knowingly dispense information of an untrue or doubtful character.
  • In order to obtain and disseminate reliable and accurate information, members should keep themselves knowledgeable in the expanding petroleum, mineral, and energy industries.
  • Members should protect the interests of their employer in every possible way compatible with generally accepted ethical principles.
  • Members should not dispose of information without the direct or implied consent of their employers.
  • Members should promote the development of a broad range of professional contacts, not only to broaden their own knowledge of their work, but also to enhance their value to themselves and their employer.
  • Members will not knowingly or otherwise, libel or injure the reputation of a fellow member.
  • Members of this organization should use caution so as not to be an employee of a business or individual whose business practices might reflect unfavorably on the reputation of the Association.
  • Every member should strive to secure new members who would be worthy additions to the Association.
  • Members should at all times conduct themselves so that they will reflect credit upon the Association.